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Oh. My. Gosh! 

I have been sitting on this one for over a month a half now and I am so excited to share with you my current pride and joy. The November Pin Club pin, The Pearl That Perishes Beautifully.

Here we can see Pearl, wrapped in thorns and roses, trapped in her love for Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond. 

I believe we are all familiar with this particular head-space. We all go through the hardship of getting over someone, or even worse, moving on from the loss of someone we love and is no longer with us. Pearl's love and dedication for Rose is tragic, but I tried to capture her pain metaphorically in the most beautiful way possible.

The design of this pin is inspired by a still from my favorite manga that was originally released between 1972 and 1973! Versailles no Bara, or Rose of Versailles is one of the mangas & anime which inspired me to become an artist and has greatly influenced my style. I certainly recommend watching the anime if you get a chance! 

The opening of the anime would see the main character, Oscar François de Jarjayes, completely nude and engulfed in rose thorns. The theme song to the anime was called "Bara wa utsukushiku chiru," The Rose Perishes Beautifully.

The roses, white sparkles and pink diamond in the back are covered in shiny glitter. The pin is around 51mm in height and has a rose-gold plated finish. 

What do you think of this pin? I really hope you like it!



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