ANNOUNCEMENT: Backing Cards! (Patreon)
2018-09-05 17:01:01
I originally planned on making this a goal once we reach 150 Club Members but I felt strange in sending you pins without a backing card for the initial few months only to add one later!
That, and I just couldn't resist making one!!!
Your pretty monthly pins will come attached to extra special Backing Cards just like these. As you can see they have a round edge trim, are magical girl/boy themed with my adorable mascot on the back and are coated with a nice velvet lamination, giving them a thick, polished and professional finish without the extra gloss.
I think they look absolutely lovely. I also want to try and have them in all sorts of rainbow colours, so if anyone displays their pins -with- backing cards, they can add some pastel rainbow tones to their collection!
Do you like the backing cards I made for the club?