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It's been 2 days post the end of the Kickstarter now and I'll confess, I have been really catching up on some much needed rest. 

It has been 30 days of sleeping between 4 to 6 hours a night, with an hour or so naps here and there, just to keep posting, promoting and reaching more viewers on new channels. When I did manage to shut my eyes and switch off my mind from thinking about pledges, rewards and stretch goals, I'd wake up soon after to check my phone for updates and the cogs in my brain would start running again, preventing me from going back to sleep.

Now I can rest easy, at least for a few days.

The molds for the remaining 26 pins are being made, payments are being processed by Kickstarter, my surveys and addons are all set up and ready to be sent, so for now it's just a waiting game.

A couple of days to rest up, enjoy the satisfaction of what we achieved and ponder what project to work on next.


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