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Here is the schematic file for my Jungle Gate build!

To use this, you need to:

- Install worldedit, whether that being the mod for singleplayer, or the plugin for on a server

- Paste the file in the "schematics" folder

- Type "//schem load <schematic name>"

- Type "paste" where you want to paste the build!

If you are having any trouble, feel free to contact me here!



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-12 19:57:16 for anyone confused on how to download and put this into minecraft or just all schem all you have to do is go to your main directory folder and go to config/world edit/ schematics and put all of your schem in their then just do /schematic load btw dont put the &lt;&gt;just name.
2023-02-06 19:55:31 for anyone confused on how to download and put this into minecraft or just all schem all you have to do is go to your main directory folder and go to config/world edit/ schematics and put all of your schem in their then just do /schematic load btw dont put the <>just name.

for anyone confused on how to download and put this into minecraft or just all schem all you have to do is go to your main directory folder and go to config/world edit/ schematics and put all of your schem in their then just do /schematic load btw dont put the <>just name.