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It's been a month after beginning of war. And today my town was bombed... again. Almost half of it was raket to the ground, I don't know how I managed to survive... but it was decided evacuate to another city. As you understand, all the projects on which I worked (Harley animation and a few renders) are frozen. Will hope that the projectile will not fly into the abandoned house and not destroy it and my PC, on which all my works are saved.

Unfortunately, I will be able to continue the work only after returning to home...
Writing this after a long road to the more safety place.

Thanks a lot to all people who supported me in previous and this month (thanks to you I was able to buy some additional medicine for my grandmother)

Most likely, I hope that we will see each other when this war ends or when at least the russians (fascists) will be driven out from the territory of my town.



Praying everyday for the safety of you and your family, much love


You have my prayers as well...this madness WILL end soon. I just pray it's sooner rather than later. Stay safe.