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Lol, I don't know what happened. I clearly remember that I can't make this render beacause of my PC limitations. But on R34 someone with nick "FoxPanda" posted this version and it confused me. 

I rewatched folder with this project and still cant find this version. So I have 2 theories. First - this is very realistic blending of 2 versions in Photoshop or Second - I have memory problems and forget that I maked this version, lmao.



Red Velvet

I think it’s a very clever photoshop blend. I do still like this a lot whenever artists post gangbang pictures with a lot of males that either all black/white. I just blend the two pictures so that it’s a nice diverse, variety of multicolored males that don’t look like copy-pasted clones


Yeah, I think that it's 100% photoshop blend too. Listen, great idea about diverse and variety, I'll take note this, thanks

Red Velvet

Too often artists just go with the default white/black variants. I like some variaty, like tanned skin, light skinned black, or olive skinned. Penis variety is excellent too. Maybe some guy has a lot of foreskin, another guys dick has a heavy downward curve, one guy with a short and thick one. It all goes a long ways to making sure your males don't look like copy-pasted generic/default assets


FUCKING HOT! Love this! Was hoping this was a possibility either from you or someone very clever. Either way....this is how it was meant to be....all 3 Witcher girls sharing some Huge Cock....Hot Stuff!