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I'm sorry, but I want to officially announce that the Patreon will come to an end in December.

What does this mean?

Basically, I won't be uploading stuff here anymore, so starting in January, all the content uploaded on Patreon will be progressively uploaded on my social networks, so don't worry, no drawing will be lost!

Why did I make this decision?

Well, there are a few reasons, but among the main ones is the time I have available and the few people who come. Therefore, offering little content and having no new followers made me think that the best decision for the moment is to keep growing in social networks and, in the future (maybe), open Patreon again.

How can I continue to support you?

You can always share my drawings on social networks or let other people know about me. And if you want to support me directly, I will open commissions sometimes.

Thank you so much to those people who were there from day one, those who joined and those who left. Again, thank you ❤



Noooo😭 that's such a shame honey... But do what you think is right!~ the notification scared the crap out of me though, made me think you were quitting all together😢


Haha, nooo, I wouldn't give up what I really like to do, I just don't think I'm giving you guys what you deserve, so... See you on Twitter! ;)


Awww~ well, it's all up to you ig~ and I already follow you on Twitter lool~ I'm just afraid if you make kinkier drawings you might get mass reported or restricted like some other artist I know😢


Aw, should've guessed lol~ still, hoping it'll go alright and you won't get mass reported for some stupid reason lol


Aw, it’s a shame that this is shutting down, how about keeping it open as a tip jar? Still want to help you out.


It will be open for a while, but I will close it at some point. I will see if there is another way to support me monetarily. I was thinking about Ko-fi, it would be a good option to receive these "tips", I'll be letting you know on Twitter if there's anything new. but again, thanks, dorado! ❤


i should've subscribed a while ago


thank the lord i already follow you there. Question will the patreon renew my subscription or will it pause?


Really sad to see this, but I’ll still try to support u any way I can!