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We drove through the northern coast of Croatia and hung out for a couple of days on our way to Italy. We stayed in the lovely little seaside town of Rabac and got a taste of the stunningly jagged coastline. This was my first time in the country and now I can't wait to go back see more of it! They were having extreme heat so we stayed cool by bathing in the cerulean water, which was like floating around inside a jewel 😊

Here it is: September 2023 Croatia 




You picked a beautiful spot to visit. Looking wonderful as always.


Beautiful set! I have family in Serbia, and they've taken me to Croatia. Next time you visit, check out Split. It's stunning.


Yeah, bummed we weren't able to see Split and the rest of the Dalmatian Coast. Will have to make another trip!


Amazing seas in that part of the world.


Absolutely gorgeous thanks for my the new phone wallpapers :)