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I've been experimenting with new show concepts of late, and I thought patrons might like this sound-doodle of a possible concept!

MIND YOU, it's a quick proof of concept so not fully produced, but a neat lil' test. 

I thought it would be cute to have an audio or two about a bear who finds a mouse in the road in a redwall-esque world and spends some time nursing them back to health. Is that something you guys would be interested in?

Speak up if you enjoy it! You guys are a good testing ground. 




I'll certainly be up for more of this! It's a really cute concept and it's always so nice and chill listening to audios of the speaker taking care of the listener. Also I love your sounds for like very BIG characters like the slight reverb (?) in the voice and the stomping like you've done before, it's always fun hear!


This is a fantastic idea! I'm not sure how close to Redwall you wanted this to be, and it is very ontop of it, charming if that was the intention. Regardless of how this takes shape, please keep the accent! It's so cozy, kind, and makes a person feel right at home!

One Dova

I don't think it's my field to.... Suggest so I'm just going to speak out of my mind trying to see what happens next or why things are how they are. Anyway, bears don't eat mice right? They eat other stuff but I guess I would be kinda scared and probably traumatized by the rat attack! Is it better for him to explain himself? Or just nurture me like he promises and that would be good enough explaining his motives. If I don't have a lot of time, or I'll die, then I suggest we hurry to your home! Or he's trying to be calm so I dont freak out, and with open-arms offers his hospitality.

Canis Lupus

Ahhh yet another great little audio! I think this is a great idea - it reminds me of an audio I listened to ages ago where a dragon invited you to stay in for a night (that'd be pretty cool to hear from you, too). Anyway - the twist on accent was perfect and I feel like there's a lot of possible development for this character...keep up the great creative work.


Well I’m sold, this is definitely an interesting concept, and I would enjoy listening to it. I also love bears plus the accent a real kicker. Can’t wait to hear the full version soon.


Not... entirely convinced. I like the much thicker accent (and would love for Oreo to relapse into it for a moment), but it hasn't really 'caught' for me.


Now this sounds lovely! Especially with the combination of soothing voice with the perception of a considerable size difference between the listener and the bear. I’d definitely say this’ll be worth working on, as a nice addition to the sleep aid audios on here!