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Fiddling around with recording with the new 3D setup! Let me know if you like this or if its weird, commentary is REALLY important in this experimental phase.




This was great! The 3D setup is doing wonders for these audio plays. Just like with the dragon audio the other day, it makes you feel like you are actually in the room with the characters. I can tell when Oreo is shelving to the left or right. When he flips through pages in a book, it feels and sounds like he's doing that right in front of me. Keep up the good work Caudle! On a less technical note, Oreo's love for books really shined in this audio. It's actually got me thinking about book series I've either left unfinished or haven't read in a long time and how much I enjoyed them.


I know next to nothing when it comes to audio so you can ignore this if I'm wrong but I think the audio might have peaked a little or just been a lil too high when Oreo excitedly said about The Golden Compass so you might have to try lower the gain some on the mic I think????? Again I'm not sure when it comes to audio. This was wonderful though, it really has such a lovely feel of him being that little bit more physical and close to the listener! The different sounds sounded spot on with knowing which direction he was coming from. Would certainly love to hear more like this in the future! Certainly feels like it can open up to some really fun things with your characters! Even with the quick mention of his own writings it did make me think of something like the listener sat in front of a computer going over Oreo's writings, Oreo moving from side to side behind the listener as he talks about the writings too. The 3D set up would be great for something like that.


Ahh you are correct actually, and used proper terminology, good ear! I can fix that for the public release.


Awesome, I'm glad the binaural element shows through! I'm still learning to use this mic so it was a bit touch and go.

Canis Lupus

The 3D set up really fills out the space, and with audio like this it really helps to put yourself in the world. I've never been the largest fan of 3D audio - it's always been a bit disorienting for me - but in this case it really works, and I really enjoy it. The setting, the story, it feels even more real with the audio placed the way it is, and that truly livens it all up. Listening to this reminded me too of my old love of books - lately I've hardly had time to read anything, let alone stop and smell the roses (or the ink, in this case). Being able to walk into a place and be surrounded by hundreds of stories, hundreds of lives that aren't your own - it's beautiful, and I miss it greatly. Thanks for reminding me of the wonder of bookstores and libraries.


Thank you! That's part of the reason Oreo exists, so I'm very glad it comes through!

Akira the Meerkat

perhaps the bookshop skunk should have a nice lunch as also show what his favorite foods are and drink of nice tea


this is so pure and fun, I always love hearing Oreo get lost in talking about books (or anything tbh!) His transition from being a lil shy to straight up gushing about so many franchises is friggin' adorable and infectious!!! it's a lovely little scene you've painted 💜 The 3D setup is pretty cool and lends itself to some cool scenarios, too, especially when I can hear him moving around the shelf in front of me when he's grabbing books. It soes seem a bit too strong most of the time, though, and takes me out of the audio some. Like when he's walking to the side at the start. It's almost a bit disorienting, having him so strongly on one side, but that might be some of my own audio processing issues coming in cause I can't really describe why it feels off other than it feels off. maybe a softer, less pronounced version of the effect would help that? Either way, it's still a cool effect and I'd love to hear you play with it more!