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We made it to December the year's almost over! I'm not gonna lie to ya'll its been a rough one, and as such, a few changes! 

First and foremost, I want to be able to thank all of you for supporting me with every audio I make SO, now all $5+ patrons will appear in a credits reel I'll begin putting at the end of audios. YOU CAN OPT OUT OF THIS or give me a pseudonym if you prefer, just message me. 

Other than that the other big change is to the $50 tier, I used to do general small audios for this tier, but trying to do that has made me fall behind RATHER BADLY, and it's great for my mental health, thus these audios will now be limited to featuring Oreo or Sage, as I voice both characters and will better be able to provide those rewards. If you're waiting on an audio outside that range, then it'll still be done! I'm just going to kinda limit that workload going forwards. 

Other than that, I'm attempting to wrap up a few more commissions as I've also fallen by the wayside there with the roughness of the year. I had a dog pass, and lost a love one in the span of three months in the middle of 2020 whilst I already wasn't doing too hot. I feel like I just got out of that sort of mind set and mental space, and I'm going to start being kinder to myself in finding a work-life balance. 

In anycase, thank you all for supporting me, December is going to have a couple audios in the next few weeks, but around Christmas I'll be traveling (A bad idea I know but I need to do some family stuff before it's too late) and things may slow down towards the end of the month. 

In ancyase I hope you've all enjoyed being patrons! You guys literally allow me to do this, this patreon helps me get my groceries, pay rent, and exist in the capacity I do. I'm thankful for every one of you every day. Adding credits to the audios is going to help show that and I hope you'll continue to enjoy the things I make! 

All the best! 





Good luck and take it easy this holiday season!


Happy to be of help Caudle! Take it easy and stay safe out there! Happy Holidays! ❤


Im very sorry to hear how bad 2020 has went for you for, content creators that provide us with such niche content at such high quality rarely get the credit they need. i sure hope things turn around for all of us soon, and please caudle take care of yourself, Oreo was one of the few things that got me through 2020 and I don't want you to burn yourself out or worse, whatever coming i know will be worth it. TY AND TAKE CARE.

Akira the Meerkat

I hope things get better, I am still looking foward to the sage audio with Genbe, I kind of check every day for it


Stay safe during these trying times. I look forward to hearing more of your great works, and hopefully hearing that things improve on your end going forward


Hoping things get better for ya soon. I love the audios and the Sage ones help me relax in times of stress, thanks for making them. ^^


I'm waiting on an outstanding commission from you but take whatever time you need with it - this year hasn't been kind to any of us and I hope you can remember to put yourself first! Have a good holiday season and a prosperous New Year!