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Oreo invites you to the bookstore on Halloween to keep him company...but something is afoot here, strange journal pages and odd happenings. Can you get to the bottom of it?

W-why on earth did I make this so long?

Anyway happy halloween!




40 minute audio!! it's like a Halloween birthday for me


Ooo 40 minutes. I'll definitely be giving this a listen when I get a free minute. Feedback to come as well (I know I usually just sing my praises but I still like letting you know what I think 😊).


Utterly fantastic, i don't think I've ever been so invested in audio stories before this one! I got legitimately jump scared and suddenly skunk was there for comfort 😂


Gosh i love this dork of a skunk, your audio stories with them are always extra special


I return with feedback! Even though I technically already gave you feedback on twitter, I still feel like singing some more praises your way. This has definitely become one of my favorites among your audioplays! I'm becoming more and more invested as you expand the lore around the Bookshop. Plus this was genuinely scary to me! I felt a tense anticipation while listening and afterward I'm left with a lingering, existential dread for Oreo and his companion. I'd love to say more but, as a certain time traveling woman would say, "Spoilers." (Kudos to anyone who gets the reference) Fantastic job on this one Caudle!