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Currently $20 patrons get access to every audio I upload, whether it's premium or free plus previews, but now that there's over 20 premium audios in the store, it's getting a little unwieldy to ask folks to scroll through the backlogs to find them?

Would it make sense to make a g-drive for all the premium audios to make this easier? 

And also perhaps one for all the free audios that's available to ALL tiers just for ease of reference and download so you don't always have to go to the YT channel or FA page?

And if I did do you think there would be a way to keep it from spreading to the wider internet? Perhaps a single zipfile that gets sent out to patrons at the start of every months would be easier? That way there's not just a copyable link but something that has to be sent out through the messenger? Discuss!

I want to make it easier for you lot to get your content! 



Why is a slick heist just a preview not a full audio


Thank you for pointing that out wow! I uploaded the preview on accident instead of the full audio. This has been corrected and now you have full access.


I definitely approve!


Wait am confused don't you already use podcast to keep them all together?


I think that’s a brilliant move. Keeps everything neat and tidy for people who are looking for a specific audio file to enjoy.