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A lot of people poked me after the last poll about POVs and I probably put out more third person POV stuff than I do second person? But I'm quite willing to flip that if patrons prefer the other sort! So out of curiosity which POV do you prefer?

Third Person POV - Character(s) talking to each other, basically a radioplay 

Second Person POV-  Character(s) talking to 'You' and addressing you as the subject of the audioplay. 

Commentary on why helps as well in going forwards to make things folks like!



I think the Second Person POV feels more personal and a bit more engaging.


I think both are very good. Third person allows you to tell more of a story... I love second person, but it does come with a few challenges, especially with empaths or mind reading involved. It has to be general enough that it fits for any number of reactions, or it starts to lose its effect. That being said, when it does work, it's absolutely incredible how powerful it is. Personally I'm able to empathize well with characters in general, so I'm able to feel it from 1st/2nd person anyway, but I know not everyone has that ability.