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Many of you know I have been pushing really hard over the past couple of months.  Part of that is because Mistrunner is just about finished (I only need to write about 9 more chapters), but it's also because of what I have planned for March for Path of Dragons.  

And I'm here to tell you that it's coming sooner than planned.  Starting Monday, I'll be going to the two-a-day posting schedule for Path of Dragons, and that will continue until the end of March.  Now, a big part of this is so I can push visibility for the story, so if any of you want to help, mention the story on social media like Reddit and Facebook.  Obviously, this isn't required or anything.  It would just help, kind of like when you all responded so well to giving the story some advanced reviews (thanks for that by the way!).  

Anyway, I hope you're all looking forward to five weeks of an accelerated schedule!

In Death: Genesis news, I'm coming up on the end of book eight, then I'm diving right into book nine.  I have some cool stuff planned for after the war with Adontis, so that's something fun to look forward to.  

For Mistrunner, like I said - we're super close to finishing the series.  Which is sad, exciting, and relieving, all at the same time.  I think the end I have planned is appropriately cool and impactful, but I won't know until we're done.  So, fingers crossed on that one.

And finally, I'm rolling right along with Path of Dragons (more than 30 chapters into book 3), and I'm having a blast writing it.  Lots of things are going to be coming together soon, and then we'll be on the down slope of the first major arc (should be 5-6 books).  After that, the universe is really going to open up.  So, that should be fun.

As always thank you all for all your support.  If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to let me know in the comments, via Patreon's messaging system, or on Discord.  I'll jump right on addressing any issues you all my have.  Thanks again, and enjoy the content!



Hell yeah and I have told a few people I think only bro is reading on royal road now though haha. Also 5 weeks of 2 a days is intense lol. Right after that my anime I have been waiting for since 21 comes out finially haha. If this ever got a nod to be animated I would be first to watch 👊👊👊😁


Weird to think it will come to an end. But good to have a story have a planned end better than just abruptly stopping.


I should maby read it lol i just joined for path of dragons but its nice reading something to the end