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Alright folks - we're only a couple of weeks from the accelerated month (where I intend to post chapters for Path of Dragons twice a day for the entirety of March), and I wanted to do something in preparation for what's coming.  The whole idea of doing this is to increase the story's visibility, but with an increased number of readers, there will inevitably come a few who don't like the story.  That's always going to happen, regardless of how good it is.  And some of those disgruntled people will leave reviews, which can tank my ratings.  So, I'm hoping to prepare for that by asking you all for advanced reviews.  

But I wanted to make it fun and rewarding for you all.  

So - here's the deal.  If I get five advanced reviews by the weekend, I'll increase the posting frequency for Path of Dragons to a chapter every day (at least until March).  So, if you all want four more chapters over the next two weeks, you know what to do.

I should reiterate - I love regular reviews, and I'll take those, but what I'm looking for are ADVANCED REVIEWS where you rate each facet of the story.  I'm aware that it's annoying and a pain to do, which is why I'm incentivizing it.  I'm not asking for specific ratings, mind you.  Just honest ones (that I HOPE are positive).  

So, that's the gist.  If you want to help with this (and get some extra content!), head over to Royal Road at the following link:


Thanks again for all your support!