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I apologize for this being a couple of days late.  In my defense, I was trying to pump out some chapters this weekend so I'm ready for the March accelerated publishing schedule (more on that later).  So, I have a good excuse!

Anyway, this past week has been super busy.  I'm producing chapters left and right as I barrel towards the ends of Death: Genesis 8 and Mistrunner 4 (which is the last book in that series).  As I said earlier, I'm trying to write a bunch of chapters for Path of Dragons right now, too.  So my production speed has never been higher.  I also think the momentum is helping with my creativity, but I'll let you all be the judge of that.

Onto specific news:

For Death: Genesis, remember we've got a new book (book 5) coming on March 5.  So, if you haven't pre-ordered yet, check it out HERE.  Like I've said before, this marks the first book of my new and improved editing process where I'm adding a bunch of new content for the Kindle/Audible release.  So, it should be worth the price of admission.  Hopefully.  I think.  

With Mistrunner, I think I'm about 20 chapters away from closing it out.  So, that means I'll be finished with it around mid-March at the latest.  Obviously, I'll still have to edit and stuff, but it'll definitely feel weird not writing in that world anymore (at least for a while).  I think the ending I have planned will be satisfying, though.  In any event, I'm just going to keep plugging along!

And in Path of Dragons news, there's both good and bad.  The bad (or at least neutral) is that my publisher doesn't want to bring the story to Kindle/Audible until next year.  So, there's going to be a bit of a wait there.  By the time it hits Amazon, I'll probably have 4 books of content done.  Maybe 5.  So, it'll be a bit weird, but I'm fine with it, I guess.  Hopefully, the delay means we'll get a great narrator.  And by the time it comes out, it'll be the perfect opportunity for a re-read for you all!

I've also been doing some TikTok ads for the stories.  If you want to check those out, you can find my profile at: 


I only use it for that, though, so be advised that it's not terribly interesting!  In addition, I've created an art page for Path of Dragons on Royal Road.  If any of you have fan art, end it my way, and if I like it, I'll toss it up there.  You can find it at: 

Art Chapter on Royal Road 

Most of it's AI stuff right now, but I'll be releasing some new art that I commissioned on there sometime soon.  

Anyway, that's what's going on around here.  Thank you all for the support, and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to let me know via Patreon's messaging function, in the comments of this post, or on Discord.  I'll address them as soon as I see them.  

Thanks again!



Thanks for the art. The draconid form is waaay better than in my head where it was a panther with a crocodile mouth. I really like the tortured image of Elijad


I'm getting an artist to design the scaled panther a little better. That one is a combination of AI and Photoshop, and it's definitely not perfect. But it's closer than any of the other interpretations I could get. As to the tortured picture, I thought that one turned out really well. Glad you liked it!