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It's Sunday!  Which means it's time for everyone's favorite post - the weekly check-in!

This week's been a mixture of fun and tedium.  Fun, because I wrote some really cool chapters I'm very excited about.  But tedious because I'm currently doing the final edits on Death: Genesis 7, and it is kicking my butt.  It's not a difficult task, but it's definitely time-consuming.  However, it has reaffirmed that I really like the end product.  So, I hope when it comes out towards the end of the year, everyone will love it!

Also, the Mistrunner 2 launch was pretty successful.  I've been pretty open about the sales not being exactly where I want them to be (which I attribute to a lot of factors), but I still love the series.  And I think it represents some of my most consistent work.  So, if you haven't checked it out yet, it's a great time to give it a try.

So, it's been a fun week, and I think next week is going to be great as well.  Which brings us to the individual story updates:

With Death: Genesis, we're currently moving pretty quickly to the climax of book eight.  As many of you know, there are a lot of chapters from books 5-7 that will be in the Kindle/Audible releases that are completely new.  I've decided to focus almost entirely on Zeke and the people in his immediate vicinity for the Royal Road/Patreon experience.  However, the edited versions branch out quite a bit.  So, some of those threads are going to start coming into play in the main story for books nine and ten.  I'm very much looking forward to tying everything together going forward into the ascension arc (which is planned for book 11).  

Regarding Mistrunner, we're about a month away from me finishing book 4 (and the series).  Part of me wants to stretch it out a little further because I love writing the characters and world, but I've got a good plan for how it needs to end, so I'll try to be strong and stick to that.  Either way, I know it'll be a mixture of relief, satisfaction, and sadness when it does come to an end.  Still, I'm having fun writing this current arc, and I'm looking forward to some action-packed adventures going forward.

Finally, with Path of Dragons, we're also approaching the end of book two (maybe 30-40k more words, at most), and then we'll be diving straight into book three.  I'm excited to write the climax of this book, and I'm even more thrilled about what it'll mean going forward with the story.  So, it should be fun, and I hope everybody will enjoy it!

That's it for updates for now.  As always, thank you all for your support.  I wouldn't be able to do this if it wasn't for you all, and I can't adequately express my gratitude for that.  So, thanks.  If you have any issues, comments, or questions, please let me know via the messaging function, on Discord, or in the comments.

Thanks again for reading!



Can you unlock DG 408 and MR 4-06 please? Enjoying catching up on DG thanks.