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Another week has come and gone (time doesn't seem to want to stop!), and there's some fun stuff going on.  First, I'm getting closer to hiring an artist for my little marketing push, so I'm excited about that.  Hopefully, I'll have something to show you sometime this week, but I'm still a bit skeptical about the artist I've hired.  So, we'll see if I have to switch gears to my backup.  

Second, the release of Mistrunner 2 on Kindle and Audible (find it HERE) is fast approaching.  I've seen a bit of a surge in sales lately, so hopefully it'll turn out to be a better launch than the first book (which wasn't terrible; the numbers just petered out pretty quickly).  I'm really proud of that series, so I hope it'll find its audience as we get closer to the end.  

So, fun stuff coming.  Let's move on to the individual series:

With Death: Genesis, I'm putting in a ton of work right now.  Not only am I keeping up with the normal posting schedule, but I'm hard at work writing extra chapters for book seven's final manuscript.  There will be 17 new chapters as well as quite a bit more polish once it finally hits Kindle/Audible.  So, you all have that to look forward to.  If you're curious about how different it will look (in the end), check out book five when it releases in March.  That one (and six, too) had a similar treatment, and I can't be happier with how they turned out.

For Mistrunner, we're close to the halfway mark through book four right now, and I'm very happy with where the story is.  The power scaling is starting to ramp up, so expect to see some interesting things going forward.  I won't say any more than that because I don't want to spoil everything.

In Path of Dragons news, we're steadily creeping closer to the climactic arc of book two.  We're also getting closer to the accelerated month coming in March.  When it comes, I'll be hitting you all with chapters hard and fast.  So, you should have plenty of content (or not, because I know how voracious everyone gets with these stories).  Either way, I'm looking forward to it, partially because I love seeing people enjoy my work, and partially because I expect it to increase the story's visibility by quite a bit.  So, that should be fun.

As always, thank you all for supporting my work.  It means the world to me that you all like my stuff enough to actually pay money for it.  So, thank you.  If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can let me know via the comments, Patreon's messaging system, or on Discord.  

Thanks again!


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