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Alright - it's time for everyone's favorite update!  There's a part of me that hates doing these things, but I also find that, once I've finished, they give me some context for my work.  That, in turn, gives me a little extra boost of motivation when I sometimes sorely need it.  So, I intend to keep them going, as much for my sake as to let you all know what's going on.

I've been making steady progress on all my stories, and I'm also on the verge of hiring an artist to do some work on an upcoming marketing project I have planned.  I've got it narrowed down to two artists, so it's going to come down to which one is available the soonest.  Hopefully, I'll have more to share in the coming weeks.  

In addition, I'm not sure if I've mentioned this or not, but my publisher, Podium Audio, recently finalized a deal for physical media distribution.  This won't bear fruit for months yet, but they've told me that Death: Genesis is probably going to be part of their initial wave.  So, by the end of the year, we just might see physical copies of my books in book stores across the country.  

From a financial perspective, I don't expect it to be a huge deal.  I know that print media is on the wane, and so, physical books aren't nearly the big sellers they used to be.  Still, I think it's cool, and I hope to one day walk into a Books-a-Million or Barnes and Noble and see my books there.  

Other than that, my week's been pretty normal.  With that said, let's get into the individual updates.

First up is Death: Genesis.  I'm still plugging along on book eight, but I've also begun to edit book seven, adding in a few chapters (for side characters) so the overarching story doesn't feel quite as isolated.  I did this with book 5 and 6 as well, so you'll see that when they hit (book 5 is in March).  Whatever the case, I feel like it definitely deepens the read, and I love the extra chapters I've added even if it means a lot more work for me.  So, over the next month, I'm going to be super busy with that additional stuff.

Next is Mistrunner.  We're now getting into the book's main plot, which I think is going to make for a really strong conclusion to the story.  I won't know until I actually write all the chapters, but it feels good in my outline.  And I think that'll translate to the finished product.  Either way, we've still got a ways to go before we're done with Mira, so I hope you'll all enjoy the journey.

Finally, there's Path of Dragons.  I know a lot of you signed up for this Patreon for Path of Dragons, and I hope you're all enjoying it so far.  I'm currently pumping out chapters at a quick pace (nine a week) in preparation for the accelerated month in March (going to release 2 chapters a day for a few weeks), so I'm riding quite a wave of momentum right now.  In the meantime, we still have 9 weeks (at least) of you all getting an extra chapter on Wednesdays.  That'll continue until we're 50 chapters ahead of Royal Road, but I may keep it going after that.  I haven't quite decided yet.

In terms of the story, I think the tone and pace are in a good place right now, and we're more than halfway done with book two.  So, I hope you all are still enjoying it (and continue to do so!).  

As always, thank you all for your support, and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know via Patreon's messaging function, in these comments, or on Discord.  I'll do what I can to reply as quickly as possible!

Thanks again!



I have a question on the collections feature. I only read Mistrunner right now though I hope to read your other series later. Some post in the collection link are missing or locked. They are available to me by scrolling normally by date. Is this a patreon error? 3-46 thru 3-48 missing also 2-67. 3-53 and 4-6 are locked on collection link but not posted? Thanks for any help, love the writing just wanted clarification. If they're only available to next tier that's ok just seemed weird I could read later post.


Those should be fixed. Patreon's posting apparatus is way overcomplicated, and I missed clicking a few boxes. if you find anything else like that, let me know on here or in Discord, and I'll fix it as soon as I can. Thanks for pointing out the errors.