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It's hard to believe that we've reached the end of 2023.  For me, this has been an incredible year, and it's hard to believe how far I've come with my work.  This time last year, I'd just released the first book in the Death: Genesis series, and its performance was still a little up in the air.  At the time, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make a living doing this.  However, over the past twelve months, my work has received such a nice reception that that is no longer in question.  So, for that, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.  i love what I do, and I'm so happy that I have the freedom to do it for a living.

That said, I fully expect 2024 to be even better.  Not only do we have three (maybe four) new books in the Death: Genesis scheduled, but we're going to see the conclusion of the Mistrunner series as well.  On top of that, Path of Dragons should come to Kindle and Audible by the end of the year, too.  So, big plans, and judging by how well Path of Dragons has been received so far, I think it's going to be huge.

I also have some plans for expanding the brand a bit.  Some of that will be via social media, but I have some other things in the works that, if they work out, will be amazing.  Still early days, though, so I won't say any more than that.  The point is that I'm super excited about 2024, and I think all of you should be as well.

Now - to the part where I talk about the individual projects:

Death: Genesis is going really well right now.  I'm still neck deep in war, trials, and battle, so I'm having a blast with Zeke at the moment.  We're also getting some more development, so that's fun, too.

Mistrunner is progressing as well, and we're just getting into the book's main plot.  I have lots of good stuff planned, and I can't wait to get to the really good stuff.  I'm sure you'll all enjoy that, too.

In terms of Path of Dragons, some of you will notice that we're moving to a 5-chapter-a-week posting schedule.  That will persist until we're a full 50 chapters ahead of Royal Road, where we'll level off for a bit.  The goal is to have a full book ahead, but that's going to take me a while to reach that point.  Either way, enjoy the extra chapter each week for the next ten weeks.

Regarding the story itself, we're neck deep in the new tower right now, but that should be coming to a close soon enough.  So, more progression, and then Elijah's going to get back to the real world.  

Anyway, I hope you're all enjoying my work, and I thank you all for your continued support.  As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to reach out to me on Discord, in the comments here, or via the messaging system.



Happy New Year! And thanks for the fun reading!!