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This week's check-in is coming a touch early (I usually like to post them in the middle of Sunday) because I'm going on vacation this week, and I'm set to leave pretty early in the morning.  So, I figured I'd throw this thing up there now instead of trying to do it in transit.  But don't worry.  There shouldn't be any interruption in chapter postings because I've already got everything scheduled for the coming week.

This past week has been pretty incredible, and as a result, I know there are a bunch of new people here (the Patreon is creeping toward 500 subscribers!).  So, to all of you, welcome!  You probably came for Path of Dragons, but I urge you to check out my other stuff as well.  They both have tons of content and are pretty different from Path of Dragons.  Either way, thanks for checking reading, and don't forget to check in with the Discord.  There have been some fun discussions there over the past week or two.

Alright - now, on to specific stuff.  I've been steadily progressing through the eighth book of Death: Genesis, and I think it's some of the cooler stuff I've written with the story so far.  We're just starting to get into some flashy skills, which has just been a delight to write.  Plus, you know, war is always fun.

Don't forget to pre-order book five (Death: Genesis Book Five), which will go live in March!

Regarding Mistrunner, we're just about done with the set-up in the fourth book, so expect some serious plot movement in the next few weeks.  I'm kind of bittersweet about the story coming to an end in the next few months.  I know it's going to be a satisfying ending (or at least that's the way it's planned), which is great as a writer.  But on the other hand, I'll be a bit sad to leave that world and put that series to rest.  Either way, I'm committed to going out with a bang (which, at three chapters a week, you all won't see for a few months).  

Don't forget that book two is coming out on Audible and Kindle on the 23rd of next month.  Find it HERE.

And finally, let's talk about Path of Dragons and the plan going forward.  First, I can't say enough how gratifying the response to this series has been.  Not only is it putting up great numbers (in terms of views), but it's also been well-reviewed so far.  Sure, there are a couple of troll-ish ratings bringing the total score down a touch, but those are in the vast, vast minority.  So, I think it's safe to say that people like it so far.

With that said, Elijah's story is just getting started, and I've been working very hard on solidifying all the progression going forward.  I've got pages and pages of notes on everything from spell progression to cultivation and everything in between.  And I hope all that work translates into a well-realized world and system of power.  

But at the end of the day, the story and characters are what's going to make or break it.  Luckily, I've had that stuff outlined since the very beginning, and let me tell you - the second book should be very satisfying.  It will also finish setting up the conflict for the two-book conclusion to the first major arc.  So, I hope you'll all enjoy that.

My tentative plan, in terms of schedule, is to shift to posting five chapters a week on Patreon (and four on Royal Road) until Patreon is fifty chapters ahead.  After that, I intend to do another major release push where I do two chapters a day for two weeks, then a chapter a day for another two weeks.  But that's not until March, probably.  Then, I'll probably do another push like that around August, but that kind of depends on when my publisher wants to bring the book to Kindle/Audible.  

So, that's what we have to look forward to with Path of Dragons.  If you haven't rated or reviewed it over on Royal Road (and I know you all haven't because there are more Patreon subscribers than ratings and reviews!), head on over to the Path of Dragons Royal Road page and slap a rating and/or review on it!



Have a good and relaxing vacation!