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Another week is in the books!  And what a week?  Not only have sales (on Kindle and Audible) continued with strong numbers, but my latest story, Path of Dragons, has already reached the top ten of Rising Stars, putting it on the front page of Royal Road.

And, of course, Alabama won yesterday afternoon, so that made my day a bit better (that's a college football reference for those of you who aren't from the States).  And as of about 30 minutes ago, they're in the playoffs.  Which is awesome, and I'm excited that I get to keep watching them play meaningful football.

Anyway - onto specifics!

As I said, Death: Genesis has continued to see very solid success on Amazon and Audible, for which I am extremely grateful.  Without that, I wouldn't be able to do what I do for a living.  As for the current content - I'm steadily plugging along at the chapters for book eight.  Hopefully, I'll establish enough of a cushion soon so I can get to work on the extra content (about 10-15 extra chapters focused on the side characters) for book seven's release on Kindle and Audible.  Once I do that, I'll get to experience the joy of editing!  Either way, I'm having a blast writing this current arc (war for the win!), and I anticipate that it'll stay that way for the foreseeable future.

With Mistrunner, I'm still just getting into book four's material, but I have a lot of cool stuff planned.  Which is good, because I want the final book in this series to be amazing.  I think it'll get there, but that puts a bit of extra pressure on me to get it right.  But what's that old saying?  Pressure makes diamonds, right?  Hopefully, that'll be the case with Mistrunner 4.

And finally, we're onto Path of Dragons.  I can't say how happy I am with the series' response so far.  Outside of a few people who clearly have issues with side character and/or lesbian couples (I hope it's the former, but I've been on the internet long enough to recognize that it's probably the latter), the reception has been overwhelmingly positive.

As I said, the story's reached the front page (a nice achievement in and of itself), but I'd love to see it climb towards the top.  So, if you haven't already, please take a few moments to rate, review, follow, and favorite the story.  Those provide metrics that seriously impact the story's visibility, which will help it continue its climb toward the top.  And given that today's chapter marked the end of book one, there's never been a better time to judge it.  So, if you'd like to help out, you can find the story HERE.  

Regarding my current progress - I'm about a third of the way through writing the second book in the series, and I'm seriously digging my current mini-arc.  I won't spoil it or anything, but I will say that Elijah finally getting to interact with other people is very satisfying for me.

Anyway, that's what's going on in my world!  Thank you all for your support, and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can voice them in the comments here, via the messaging system, or on the Discord.

Thanks again!  And have a great rest of your weekend!


The Human

Roll tide!


Most definitely. I was sweating the selection today. Sucks for Florida State, but I'm not going to feel too bad for them considering it means Bama keeps playing meaningful football.