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So - this has been a really busy week for me.  Normally, I would've taken the few days around Thanksgiving completely off, but the writing schedule's kind of tight right now, so I couldn't really afford to this year.  So, I've had to juggle holiday obligations while trying to keep my output high.  Not that I'm complaining, mind you - I love every second of it.  It's just busy.  So, I'm glad that I'll be able to get back to normal next week.

Of course, I'll be taking a real vacation toward the middle of December, so I need to buckle down and get a nice, big backlog so I don't miss any posts.  So, maybe I won't be any less busy in the coming weeks.  Oh, well.  It's all fun, so I can't really complain.  

Anyway, let's move on to news concerning the individual stories.

Death: Genesis is really humming along right now.  I finished the book eight outline, so I know exactly where it's going.  And let me tell you - it's going to be epic.  I've had this arc in mind for a while, and now that I get to write it, I'm super stoked.  I'm also going to be putting together the side stories for book seven (Tucker and Talia, mostly, but with some Abby, too), and I hope that have that buttoned up and off to the ol' publisher mid-December.  So, lots happening on that front, and I'm extremely excited about where the story's headed.  Remember - this series is intended to be about 15-17 books long, so we're almost halfway done with it.

Concerning Mistrunner - I admit, I only wrote three chapters of this series this week because of the aforementioned business.  But the ones I wrote, I really dug, and I've got some really big plans for this fourth (and final) book in this series.  Hopefully, it goes out with a bang because Mira deserves it.  I still think Mistrunner represents some of my best writing (at least on a technical level), and I wish it was more popular than it is.  But I always knew that writing in the sci fi space was going to limit its reach, and I accepted that because I had a very vivid idea of the story I wanted to tell.  I just wish more people would read what I consider some of my best work.

And finally, we come to the reason that many of you newcomers are here: Path of Dragons.  This story has been really successful so far, and it's slowly climbing the Rising Stars ranks on Royal Road.  The goal is for it to get to the front page, so if anyone hasn't done it yet, head over there and follow, favorite, rate, and review it.  Doing so seriously helps with visibility, and I'm not above asking my fans to help me out.  So, there it is.  

Regarding the story itself - we're approaching the end of book one (you'll get the final chapter of the first book on Dec. 10), so we're coming up on what all my test readers said was their favorite part of the story.  So, here's hoping you all feel the same.  I'm about a third of the way through book two, and it's been really fun to write so far.  But I'm coming up on a little mini-arc I've had in mind since I started writing the book, so I'm extremely excited about getting that down on paper.  I can only hope I get it right!  

Anyway, I'm digging where all my stories are at right now, and I'm very much looking forward to keeping them moving into new territory.  I've also noticed that there are quite a few newcomers in the Discord.  So, if you want to discuss things about the story, that's a great place to do it!  I'm also usually around, so it's probably the easiest place to get questions answered.  However, if you do have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can address them here (in the comments or via the messaging function) as well.

As always, thank you all for your support!  



Mistrunner is fantastic, really excited to see what she gets to fill in her remaining skills. Is there an explanation yet for what "Orbital Strike, Planetary Defense, Mist Deprivation" do? Or is that coming in future chapters? I've been putting off picking up new series due to life events, but I cant wait to dig into Death:Genesis and Path of Dragons. Sounds like im in for a lot of reading lol


It's coming in future chapters. All will be key to the fourth book's plot, though.