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Alright, so I got some huge news this week, and I'm super excited about it.  So, I'll buck the normal formatting trend and jump straight to Path of Dragons news.  First, the big announcement: I just signed a six book deal with Podium to publish the series and produce it for audiobooks.  This was a bit unexpected (I'm contractually obligated to let them know about any new projects because they have first right of refusal), and I sort of thought it was a little early, considering I haven't published a word on Royal Road or here yet.  But they liked it well enough that they gave me an offer I couldn't, in good conscience, refuse.  So, that series should be coming to Kindle and Audible sometime next year.  

In the meantime, I still intend to bring it to publish it as a web serial starting later this month.  I've finished the entire first book, and I should be editing this week (along with editing Mistrunner 3), and I'll start publishing chapters as soon as I'm done.  It's a been a very fun series to write so far, and I'm looking forward to everyone getting a taste of the new world/characters/system.  

So, that's that.  

Now, onto other news.  The Mistrunner chapter scheduled for Wednesday marks the end of book three.  So, starting next weekend, you'll start seeing the material intended for the fourth (and final) book in that series.  That isn't to say that I intend to leave that world behind.  It's just the end of that series.  That said, I will be taking a break from the Mistrunner world after that's done.  When I come back to it, it'll be a new story (after a time skip).  

Regarding Death: Genesis:  as most of you know, the new book is coming out this week (Nov. 7), and I'd appreciate any support you can throw my way (find the listing HERE).  I love this series, and I'm still having a blast writing it (as I get closer to finishing book seven).  It's intended to be a 14+ book series, so I'm excited about nearing the halfway point, and I have some really fun stuff planned for the near future.

Anyway - that's what's going on in my world.  Big stuff that means I'll get to keep writing, so that's always good.  So, don't forget - book four of Death: Genesis comes out Tuesday, so if you give it a go, don't forget to leave ratings/reviews.  They help immensely with visibility, and can be the difference between success and failure.  

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know here (comments or messages) or on the Discord.  Thanks for you all your support.  Without you all, I wouldn't be able to do this.  Now - as a little extra gift, here's the cover for book five of Death: Genesis:


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