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So, this past week was really big for me for a couple of reasons, and I think the next couple of weeks will be even bigger.  

First, Death: Genesis is really progressing, and I'm having an absolute blast writing the dungeon arc.  It's fun to come up with these different scenarios to see how everyone's going to react to it, and as I said, I'm having a great time putting it all together.  

I should note that, with the way I wrote book five and six, I've also changed the way I write (a little).  Instead of putting everything together all at once, I'm really focusing on Zeke and the people with him, which I think works better for the serialized publishing schedule.  When I finish writing that arc, I will add in perspectives for side characters who aren't with the main group (like Tucker, Talia, and Abby) to provide context for later arcs, which will be published with the Amazon/Audible version of the book.

Next, I'm getting close to the end of Mistrunner 3.  This book's going to be around the same length as book one, though a bit shorter than book two.  It features more action and a more focused narrative, though, so I think it works pretty well.  That said, once I finish it, book four will probably be the last in that series for a while because I'll have finished telling the story I set out to tell.  There's room for more afterwards, but it'll probably be a bit before I get to telling those stories.  That's probably a year away before we have to worry about that, though.

And finally, as I noted on the Discord, I finally finished the main narrative of Protector of the Grove, which is the first book in the Path of Dragons series.  It's a LitRPG apocalypse story featuring a druid main character.  If you want an idea of what it's like, think the movie Castaway combined with Defiance of the Fall, with a bit of the Iron Druid series mixed in.  There's wilderness survival stuff, shapeshifting, and, of course, apocalypse goodness, so if that sounds interesting to you, keep a lookout.  I'll be throwing it out there sometime in November (probably sooner rather than later), and I intend to put between thirty and forty chapters on here right off the bat.

Anyway, that's what's going on in my world.  Really enjoying writing right now, so I hope that comes through in the product.  Thank you to all of you who've shown support, and if you have any issues, questions, or concerns, ask here or on the Discord.


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