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Yes.  This is late.  And I know I missed it last week.  In my defense, I've been extremely busy trying to get Death: Genesis 5 finished and prepared for my publisher.  Still, I apologize for the oversight.  

So - everything's going pretty well.  Death: Genesis 3 continues to do well on Amazon (it's the highest rated book in the series so far!), and I hope book four ends up being even better received.  That said, sales are lagging a touch behind the second book's (but still ahead of book one), at least comparing the first months of each release.  Either way, it's doing as well as I could have hoped, and I think it's safe to call it a success.  So, to all of you who bought it either on Kindle or Audible (or used your Kindle Unlimited to read it), thank you for helping to make the release a success.

As far as the current progress of the story, I finished the fifth book last week, and I just completed the editing at 4AM this morning.  Originally, I'd planned to finish tomorrow or the next day, but I kind of got on a roll once I got to the demon realm arc.  And when that happens, it's better to just ride the wave.  So, I had a really late night, but I finished the editing.

Tomorrow, I intend to get started on book six.  I've already got a vague outline of what needs to happen, but I'll take a day or two to really flesh things out before I start writing.  Either way, I'm really excited about this book because it's going to open up the world a lot more.  

In Mistrunner news, I'm still plugging along.  For the past week, I haven't been working on it as much as I usually do, owing to getting everything about Death: Genesis 5 buttoned up, but I'm going to be diving back in at full-tilt this week.  So, that should be fun.

Regarding the third project, I've had to put that on the backburner for the same reasons that I skipped a few days of Mistrunner work.  When I get close to finishing a book, I tend to hyper-focus on it so I can get the ending right.  As a result, everything kind of gets pushed aside until I come up for air.  I do intend to make some progress on it this week, though!

As always, I appreciate all of your support, and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don't hesitate to ask here or on the Discord channel (I posted some art there a few days ago if you want to check it out!).  I try to keep Discord open while I'm working, so it's probably the easiest way to reach me (or discuss my stuff with others!).


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