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This past week was pretty productive and I'm pretty happy with the progress I made in both main stories.  

In Death: Genesis news, the third book is still holding strong, and I think its performance has been comparable to the second book's.  I won't know for sure for a little while, but based on the rankings, I think it's safe to call it a success.  As to where I am with writing the fifth book - I'm maybe three chapters from finishing it up.  It turned out a touch longer than expected (mostly because I lingered on a pretty big fight for a few more chapters than originally planned), but I don't think that's a bad thing.  It's still close enough to the ideal (200k words) that it won't make much difference, and I got to really play with that fight scene.  So, fun stuff.  

Regarding Mistrunner, I'm still plugging away at the third book, and I'm having a blast with it so far.  The jump from book two to three gives me a lot of leeway with the characters while not bogging the story down with overwrought explanations.  I think.  Obviously, you'll all be the true judges of how well it works.  Either way, I'm having fun, so I'll count it as a win so far.

With Heretic, I'm making slower progress (it's third on the list of priorities right now), but I'm still making some headway.  Not much more to report than that at this point.

And that's just about it.  Just a lot more of the same, if I'm honest.  And that's not a bad thing.  It just shows I'm on a roll.  Anyway, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know!


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