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This was a pretty big week for me.  First (and most importantly), book three of Death: Genesis released with a bang.  The numbers suggest that it was just as successful of a release as book two, and it hit #1 in a couple of categories just like the last.  However, there was some pretty stiff new release competition this time around, so I count the consistent performance as a really big win.  And second, the last chapter of Mistrunner's second book released on here today, so that's a big one as well.  It'll be a few weeks before it finishes on Royal Road, but I feel like it's a big milestone.  So, big things were happening all week!

As to the newer stuff's progress, I just wrote the last chapter of the penultimate arc before the big climax on Death: Genesis.  So, five or six more chapters, and I'll have book five done.  Then, it'll be a trip to editing city before diving into book six.

As for Mistrunner, I actually didn't work on it much this week.  I did the minimal number of chapters to keep pace with the release schedule, but I was hyperfocused on ending that Death: Genesis arc well, and I only have so much creative energy.  It should be back to normal this week, though.  

It was a similar situation with Heretic, though I still got  a chapter or two written.  

So, it was a big week, and I was productive enough, but that productivity was heavily  Death: Genesis focused.  

Anyway, that's it for now.  Let me know if you all have any comments, questions, or concerns.  As always, thanks for your support!


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