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So, this has been a really busy week.  Not only have I been plugging away at both Death: Genesis and Mistrunner, but I've also done a fair bit of work on Heretic as well.  In addition, I think we're closing in on a final cover for Death: Genesis 4. Hopefully, it'll be done by the third book's release on Tuesday so we can have the pre-order up and running on release, but sometimes that isn't possible.  That book doesn't release until November anyway, so it's not like it's urgent right now.  That'll change going forward.  And finally, Diablo IV got its hooks in me, so it has claimed a couple of hours a day since the middle of the week.  So - busy week so far.

Now, down to specifics:

I'm playing a druid right now on Diablo IV...wait - nobody cares about that part.  Oh - the books...

I'm one chapter away from finishing the penultimate arc for book 5 of Death: Genesis, and I have to say - I'm really enjoying this one.  And I'm very interested in forging ahead for the big finale.  It's been in my head for a while, so I'm hoping what ends up on the page stands up well against what I've got in my mind.  

In Mistrunner, all I have to say is "Train Heist".  Yes.  That's what I'm writing right now, and I'm loving it.  I'm also enjoying a shift in the tone (you'll get it when the book three chapters start getting released) while explaining the reasons behind it (while hinting that some of the old fatalism is still there).  And...you know...big guns and explosions are always fun.

As I said earlier, Heretic starting to shape up, too.  Again, it's going to be a bit different in tone than the other two stories, but I think that's a good thing.  I think I've decided on a plan going forward, though.  Once Heretic gets as many chapters written as Path of the Dragon, I'll just throw both stories up on here and let you all vote on which one you prefer.  Now, that doesn't mean I'll one-hundred percent adhere to the results, but it will inform my decision on which one I'll focus on until I'm ready to add another story to the mix (which probably won't be for a couple of years, after I finish with Death: Genesis or Mistrunner).  

In any case, that's what's going on this week.  If you  have any questions or concerns, let me know!


Avery Mackey

Necromancer myself


I was going to go necromancer, but I've been playing with my brother, and that's the class he chose. I didn't want to play the same class, so druid it was!

Azuolas Korsakas

So I might be repeating my self. But where do i get to sign up for beat reading the new books😂