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So, we're about a week-and-a-half from Death: Genesis 3's release on Amazon and Audible, and I'm super excited.  I can only hope it'll be just as successful of a launch as book two, but even if it falls a little short, I feel extremely proud of the accomplishment.  When I first started writing this story, I had no real intention of monetizing it in any way.  Heck, I didn't even start a Patreon until a few readers suggested it after the first month on Royal Road.  But I can't really articulate how proud I am of what I've managed to put on paper so far.  And none of it would've been possible without you all, so thank you for your support.  Here's hoping the story continues going strong.  

As far as this week, it was more of the same.  I'm having a blast writing this arc of Zeke's journey, and I'm really excited about the start of Mistrunner 3 as well.  Both feel like a breath of fresh air (to write), and I hope it'll come across when you all read it.

More specifically, I'm on the last two (or three) chapters of this mini-arc in Death: Genesis five, and then I'll be moving on to the climactic arc, which as been brewing almost from the moment I conceived the overall story.  So, I'm super excited about what that has to offer.

With Mistrunner, the world's opening up a little, and I'm starting to show that Nova City's vibe isn't necessarily the same as the rest of the world's.  That said, this book is a bit less doom-and-gloom than book two, though I intend for it to still have some degree of socio-economic commentary.  Hopefully, it comes across the way it's intended.

Finally, with Heretic, I'm still plugging along (I should hit the ten chapter mark next week).  The story still hasn't really gotten going (still in the set-up), but it's pretty dense with foreshadowing, world history, and personal goals.  So, that's always fun.  My intention is to catch it up with what I'd written for Path of the Dragon (I think it's around thirty chapters), then have my beta readers give both a look; whichever is the most popular is the one I'll probably continue (while the other goes on the backburner as a future project).  I might even throw them both up on here and do a poll so you all have some input.

Either way, that's a few weeks away.  For now, I'm ultra-focused on putting out the best content I can.  

Anyway - that's what's going on in my world.  As always, thanks again for your support.  I hope you continue to get what you want out of this.  If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know!


Shane Fletcher

you should put both of them up for a poll, id love to read them.

Azuolas Korsakas

Where do you sign up for beta reading?


"Beta Readers" is just a fancy way of saying my family. Mostly my brother, brother-in-law, and, oddly enough, my mom. They all read pretty quickly and give good criticism. So, no sign-ups as of yet, though this potential poll is probably the first stage of that line of thinking.