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Okay, so this is a big weekend for me because I'm finally finished with Mistrunner 2.  I definitely intended to get it done far sooner (like 2.5 weeks ago), but while writing, I realized that the ending needed a bit more room to breathe.  To that end, I had to re-do the detailed outline and add a couple of extra chapters.  So, while the end product turned out to be about 30k words longer than I originally planned, I think that length serves the story very well and makes the ending a little more impactful than it would've been otherwise.  

But I'm done now!

Which means I'm going to be spending a good bit of time this week editing it down and re-writing a few portions.  I generally don't do significant changes at this point in the process, so it's better classified as tedium than anything else.  Still, polishing this sucker up is necessary.  

In other Mistrunner news, the final manuscript for the first book should be with the narrator (Soneela Nankani) by this point, and she'll start recording this month.  I have to admit that I'm super excited to hear what she comes up with.

I'm also still going strong with Death: Genesis, and we're creeping up on the penultimate mini-arc for book five.  I'm really excited about what I have planned, and I've been looking forward to writing the climax of this book for a while.  So, that should be fun.

Finally, regarding Heretic, I'm just about finished with the characters for book one, and I'm working on integrating them all into the story in a satisfying way.  Once I get done with that, I'll be ready to start writing - which has been a long time coming.  I'm eager to see how it turns out.  

If it's good, I'll keep going with the project, but if it turns out to be disappointing, I intend to go back to the Protector of the Grove and rework some parts to make it more interesting.  Either way, I hope I'll end up with a fun, rewarding, and exciting third project.  

So - that's about it for this week.  Finishing and editing Mistrunner 2, pushing Death: Genesis 5 forward, and working out the final stages of pre-writing for Heretic.  Fun stuff.

If you all have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know.  As always, thanks for reading!  


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