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So, I've been pushing pretty hard this week to get the second Mistrunner finished up, and though I'm very happy with how things are shaping up (still about three more chapters to go!), I have to admit that it's exhausting.  It probably wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't keeping up with Death: Genesis at the same time, but having to write and rewrite chapters for one book while keeping up production on another is enough to give anyone a headache.  The only solace is that I think the output is some of the best stuff I've ever written (for both books).  So, my suffering is your gain!

I hope.

Anyway!  Moving on along, let's get into the updates for the individual projects:

With Death: Genesis, I'm getting into some really fun stuff that's going to set up the whole climax, so that's always satisfying.  Originally, I didn't really intend it to work out this way, but sometimes, the planner part of my mind has to give in to the insistent screams of the storyteller inside me.  In this case, it's a good thing (some of you know that the Mal'araxis arc in the third book was a similar situation) but if I let it happen too often, the story will go off the rails, and all my planning will have been for nothing.  So...that's bad.  Probably.  

In any case, I'm happy with what I came up with this week, and I'm eager to take it to its conclusion.  It may end up being just as impactful (to the overall story) as the demon arc, though - which is a bit scary for someone who likes to have most things planned out.

Regarding Mistrunner, I'm extremely happy with what I put on paper (or in the old word processer, I guess) this week.  I'm firmly entrenched in the climax right now, so it's always fun to write.  Lots of action, so that's awesome.  It's also a bit nerve-wracking because I know it needs to hit the mark or the whole story unravels.  So, no pressure, I guess.  In any case, I think I've got most of it on the page, and I just need to stick the landing.  

Concerning the tentatively titled Heretic project, I didn't really get much done on it this week.  I did some backstory stuff, but I've mostly been focused on the other two  projects (and probably will be for the next couple of week).  If it was just writing chapters, I could incorporate it into the schedule, but the planning stage requires quite a bit more of a time (and concentration) commitment, so it's probably not a great idea to do too much of it when I'm putting so much energy into finishing Mistrunner 2 off.  I'll get back to it next week, though.

So - that's my week summarized.  If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - let me know.  As always, thanks for reading, and I hope my stuff continues to entertain you!


Azuolas Korsakas

Thanks for the effort man. Appreciate it alot. Cant wait for Project Abyssal Heretic.