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I'll confess - I didn't get quite as much work done this week as I would've liked.  I kept up with my schedule (barely), but the biggest feature of the last few days has been lethargy.  I don't think I'm sick, per se, but the combination of my meds and my chronic medical condition (leukemia) sometimes leaves me without a ton of extra energy.  But on the bright side, I'm feeling a bit better, so I'm sure I'll be able to tackle this next week with the vigor to which I've become accustomed!

Anyway, Death: Genesis is progressing quite well (with book 5 passing the 100k word mark, which means it's a bit over halfway finished), and I'm getting into some really fun stuff.  There are some cool mini-arcs I'm eager to see come to fruition in the near future.

Mistrunner's coming along well, too.  I'm on the home stretch (the last 10-15 chapters) of book two, and the plot's starting to come to a head.  I also really enjoyed writing the last couple of chapters because we get some nice lore out of them while meeting some fun new characters.  

I'm still in the planning phase for the third project, but it's coming along nicely.  I've got my map built, and I've got the basic history of the world written, so I just need to flesh some of that out and start outlining characters.  So, I should be able to start writing within the next couple of weeks, which will be fun.  It's still going to be LitRPG, but I'll be going for more of a traditional fantasy structure.  So, that will be exciting.  

Anyway - that's what's going on for this week!  If you have any questions, comments or concerns, let me know.



Didn't know. Take care of yourself and I hope you get better.

Azuolas Korsakas

You are doing great mate. Love the content and can't wait to read more