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Woo!  Another week in the books, and I'm super excited about how everything's progressed so far.  Everything's shaping up well, and I've been spending a lot of time brainstorming various ideas to improve my output.  I hope the extra effort shows.

In Death: Genesis news, I've been writing a really cool arc that I think serves to seriously flesh out the world (and the dwarves).  It's also cool because we've got a lot of progression in store, and that's always fun.  Otherwise, I'm just hammering away at this thing, hoping that the end result will be as fun as what I have pictured in my head.  

As for Mistrunner, I'm coming up on the home stretch for book two.  I still have around 20 chapters to go, but things are starting to get a bit spicy.  And I'm really looking forward to seeing how people react to the chapters I'm posting this week and next.  

Regarding my side project, like I've said, I decided to push Path of Dragons to the back burner for a while.  In its place, I've been pre-writing for a different story that I think will veer a bit closer to traditional fantasy (though still LitRPG/progression).  And I think it's got a lot of potential.  I'll share more once I get started; hopefully, the reality of what I write will align with what I have in my head.  If that happens, it could be special.  

Or it could end up being trash that I abandon after a few chapters.  At this point, it's a coin flip.  

Anyway, if you have any issues, questions, or comments, let me know!  Thanks for your support, and I hope you all continue to enjoy my work.


Azuolas Korsakas

May we get a name/ title for the newest series?


Right now, I'm calling the series Abyssal Knight and the first book Undying. But that could change.

Azuolas Korsakas

There is already an abyssal knight title on RR but no chapters. Also cavalier of the abyss. Lots of similiar ish names😂


Like I said - I'm even done with planning the story, so I won't finalize a title for some time.