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This has been a pretty busy week for me, and for a lot of reasons.  As I've said, I was just able to transition into full-time writing, so I've tried to increase my productivity accordingly.  So, instead of doing ten chapters a week, I've increased it to twelve (or fourteen, if I'm feeling particularly frisky).  The good thing is that even though I'm writing more, my total hours worked in the week has now gone down a bit (because I'm not trying to work an extra job).  So, good things, even if it's going to take a little adjustment.

In Death: Genesis news, the second book's coming out this coming week (on 3/28), so I hope you'll all snag a copy HERE!  The audiobook turned out particularly well.  In addition, the third book's now up for pre-order (at least the audiobook), which you can find HERE.  

Regarding Mistrunner, I'm still pushing along.  Some of you will notice that the story's getting progressively darker, but that was always going to happen.  It's a revenge story set in an apocalyptic, dystopian world.  So, darkness was inevitable.  

And finally, I'm still plugging away at Path of Dragons.  I'm about twenty chapters into the first draft, and I'm really pleased with how it's turning out.  I hope you all will be as well (I'm not going to start releasing chapters until I finish the first book so I can optimize its exposure on Royal Road).  

As always, if you all have any issues, questions, or comments, let me know!  Also, feel free to head over to the Discord (invite HERE); I'm usually hanging around, and I try to respond as much as possible.  


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