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Alright - another week is in the bag!  Exciting, right?  I'm sure the passage of time has surprised us all with its inexorable march toward the future.  What is even more exciting is what happened during the past seven days!

Well, first of all, I got news from Podium about the releases we have scheduled for the rest of this year.  As many of you know, Death: Genesis 2 is hitting in a bit over a week (3/28, for those of you who rarely pay attention to my weekly rambling).  But I also got information on the release dates for Death: Genesis 3 and 4 as well as the first book in the Mistrunner series.  So, without further ado, here's the schedule:

March 28, 2023 - Death: Genesis 2 (pre-order it HERE)

June 27, 2023 (the day after my birthday!) - Death: Genesis 3 (pre-order should be up soon-ish because it's already been submitted to Amazon and just has to go through their approval process)

September 19, 2023 - Mistrunner 1

November 7, 2023 - Death: Genesis 4

That's a lot of reading material.  My goal is to get about 6-7 books out each year, and this is a great step in that direction.  Once Path of Dragons joins the mix (in a couple of months), I think that number will be achievable.  

Okay - so let's get to news about individual books!

Death: Genesis is plugging along, and I'm eager to see the world expand as I show different facets of the Eternal Realm.  We've got a few really good chapters coming up, so I hope you'll all enjoy them!

In Mistrunner news, the cover artist provided some detailed character sketches this week, and after a bit of tweaking, I think we settled on a good design.  So, I expect the cover of the first book to hit fairly soon-ish.  As far as the story itself goes, the second book is continuing down the fairly dark-ish road of vengeance, so buckle up for that.  

And this week, I'm adding Path of Dragons to the update list!  I'm about twenty percent into the first book, and I'm really enjoying it.  It's a bit more survival-focused than the other books right now, so I've had to do a bit of research to brush up on my knowledge, but I'm happy with how everything's looking.  I also just wrote the first big fight, and I was really, really pleased with how it turned out.  So, I'm eager to share it in a couple of months.  

In personal news, next month will see me transitioning to writing full-time.  I probably won't fully abandon my old job until the end of April, but this is something I've been dreaming of for quite a while.  And I'm excited to be able to make the move.  I wouldn't have been able to do so without the support you all have shown me, so thank you from the very bottom of my heart!



Thank you too, for the good content. Really enjoying it, can't wait to see what Path of dragons will look like. 😁


The way I've been describing it is like if you blended Castaway, the TV show Alone, and a system apocalypse into one story. Add a bit of cancer, some giant crabs, and a magic tree, and you get an idea of what's going on.

