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Ugh.  I've been a bit under the weather the past couple of days, so the check-in for this week sort of slipped my mind.  But never fear - the sickness has been banished, and I'm feeling much better.  Which means it's time for everyone's favorite post (I'm sure you all look forward to this at least as much as eagerly as you await new chapters!).  

Okay - so, general news.  I've removed the post with the PDF for Death: Genesis 2.  If I waited any longer, it might get me in trouble (with Amazon and my publisher), so if you didn't get the chance to download it yet, I'm sorry.  You'll just have to wait a couple of weeks until the book releases.  Also, be aware that it's a more polished version of the story, so I hope you'll all snag a copy!

Also, regarding Death: Genesis, the first audiobook is now on sale, so if you haven't gotten the chance to give it a listen, now's the best time to do so.  I think Eric Michael Summerer definitely adds to the experience, but I suppose I'm a bit biased.  Either way, the sale is running for the next couple of days, so give it a go!

As far as what the progress of the story, I'm well into the new plane, and I'm really enjoying it.  It's a big place with all sorts of cool stuff, so I'm eager to get to it.  

Now, in Mistrunner news, those who frequent the Discord will know that I got the preliminary sketches for the first book's cover, and I'm really excited about how they turned out.  I've also gotten a more detailed character sketch, but it isn't ready for release (we need some tweaks before I think it really represents Mira).  Whatever the case, I'm excited about the artist's work, and I'm eager to see how the end product turns out.  

In regard to the story so far, I'm a little more than halfway through writing book two, and I'm super excited about how it's turned out so far.  

Other than that, I'm just going to keep writing!  I hope you all will enjoy it!


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