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Another week's in the books, and I've got a little bit to share with you all.  First of all, I got a new Facebook and Discord up and running.  I'm still trying to figure things out, so if you see something that needs to be fixed, let me know.  I am definitely not a social media guy (I hadn't used Facebook for like 15 years, and I had only ever used Discord for the voice chat until like 2 weeks ago), so there will probably be some growing pains.  Either way, if you want to check them out, you can find them at:



I also made a Twitter account, but I'm not sure if I'm going to bother with it, what with the app being on the downslope and all.  But I may revisit that at some point.  

In additional news, I'm going to be doing an AMA on r/litrpg on March 28 at 6PM CST.  I really, really hope everyone will show up because I'm terrified that it'll start, and I'll get nothing but crickets.  But my publisher wants me to do it, so I'm doing it!

So, moving on to what people actually care about - the books.

First up is Death: Genesis.  I'm plugging along with the story, and I'm really excited about where it's headed.  We're talking huge, underground dwarven cities, undead metroplises, and beaskin communes.  Oh, and Tucker's doing Tucker things.  So, that's fun.

Then there's Mistrunner.  I just got finished with a cool espionage mini-arc, so that was really fun to write.  Now, I'm hitting a few action scenes, so...explosions are imminent.  

Finally, I've mentioned a new story a few times in the past month.  I've been working on the pre-writing for a while (making the systems, putting together characters, and plotting an outline), but I started really writing on it last week.  The story centers around a man who's given a druid class and stranded on a deserted island during a litrpg apocalypse.  It has a bit more of a cultivation bent to it than my previous stories, though it has familiar stats and whatnot.  Right now, I'm really enjoying writing it (almost 10 chapters in).  I won't be releasing anything until I get at least 45 chapters done (I want to flood RR with chapters upon release so I can get high visibility), so you all won't see anything for a bit.  But I'm really excited about it becuase some of the themes hit pretty close to home for me.

Anyway - that's what's going on in my world.  I hope all of you will come and ask me juicy questions during the AMA!



"Oh, and Tucker's doing Tucker things. So, that's fun" So he's alive!!!! Good to hear.