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It's everyone's favorite post - the weekly check-in (end-of-February edition)! So, for all of you who've been on the edges of your seats just waiting for me to blabber on about what happened this week, I hope you buckle up for this...fairly smooth, not-at-all wild ride.  

Anyway - the first book of Death: Genesis has done fairly well over the past few months (since its release at the end of November), and the second book in the series is due at the end of March.  Exciting stuff.  Most of you have probably already read that material, but I hope you'll all read/listen to it again when it hits Kindle and Audible.  I didn't make a ton of changes, but it's definitely a more polished product.  

In preparation for that release, there are going to be a couple of promotional things going on.  First, the first book's going to be going on sale soon.  I'm not sure on the details (I'll definitely let you all know when Podium tosses some more information my way), but if you haven't bought book one yet, there's never been a better time.  

For my part, I've just started getting into audiobooks.  I don't listen to stuff I haven't read before, but it definitely adds a new dimension to a re-read.  So, maybe take some cues from me and give the audiobook a shot!  Eric Michael Summerer does a fantastic job, which only increases the immersion of the story.  

The second promotional thing I'll be doing is an AMA on r/LitRPG on Reddit.  I'm not sure of the details on that one, either.  And I'm terrified that I'll hop on there and get nothing but crickets.  That said, Podium thinks it's a good idea, and I'll take their word for it.  

Finally, I intend to create an author Facebook page sometime soon.  I'm not sure what all that entails (I'm definitely not a Facebook guy) but I'll do my best to give it the support it deserves.  

I'm also exploring other social media (like Twitter and Discord), but I'm a bit phobic about social media (I've seen how toxic it can get), so I'm a little hesitant.  That said, if it'll offer me the opportunity to connect with fans, I'll probably jump on it sooner rather than later.  

In Mistrunner news, I've been hitting that series pretty hard, and I'm about 45% finished with the second book.  Right now, I'm writing a chapter introducing another surviving Gulf Coast city, so I'm excited about that.  I'm also drawing closer to some big actions set pieces, which are always fun to write.  

Finally, the third story I've been working on is finished with all the prep work, and I'm going to be diving into the actual writing over the weekend.  I only intend to write a couple of chapters a week on it, so it'll probably be a bit before you see any of it.  But I can say that it centers on a terminal cancer patient who becomes a druid when an apocalypse hits.  So - look forward to that!

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns for me, please let me know.  I'll do what I can to answer.  


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