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For the past week, I've just been plugging along.  I wrote a full five chapters (apiece) for both of the stories, and I spent a good bit of time outlining the next project.  This one's going to take a little longer to prep because I want the whole story planned before I actually start writing (instead of a rough outline, like I've done with Death: Genesis and Mistrunner).  So, it's probably going to be a couple of months before I have much to share on that front.  But when I do, I think you're all going to love it; it's going to be a bit more of a personal story, and I'm super excited about how it's looking in the early stages of development.

In Death: Genesis news, I just got back the copy edit of book 3, and it's lean, mean, and ready to go.  I think the narrator is scheduled to record the audio files next month.  

Of course, the big news on the Death: Genesis front is that book two comes on March 28.  In the lead-up to that, I think Podium is going to be running some promotions for book one.  So, I'll be sharing those with everyone as I learn more.

For Mistrunner, it's going well.  I had to dive back into my outline last weekend because I didn't like a couple of details I'd planned.  Now, though, I'm really happy with where everything's going.  I think you'll all like it as well.

As usual, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know.  I'll do my best to respond as soon as possible.


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