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Alrighty - it's everyone's favorite weekly post!  I know how much everyone looks forward to announcements and me patting myself on the back, so let's get right to it!

Some of you will have no doubt noticed that I've removed the chapters for book two from publication, both here and on Royal Road.  That's a necessity for the upcoming Kindle Unlimited release (March 28!), so I hope you'll all understand.  You can pre-order it on KINDLE or AUDIBLE.  

In other Death: Genesis news, I've finished editing book four, and it's off to the publisher.  I got super excited while writing the outline for book five, and that excitement carried over to the first couple of chapters.  So, I'm eager to see how everyone will react.  But there are some big changes and some big progression on the way.

Regarding Mistrunner, I've gotten finished with the "transition" chapters, and I'm getting into the meat of the story.  I had to make some tweaks to the overall outline, but I'm really happy with where the story's going now.

Anyway - that's about it for now.  If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know!  I'll do everything I can to respond before the end of the day.


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