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Trial of Primacy Arc

  • It's great! 63
  • It's okay, but not my favorite. 141
  • I'm indifferent. 37
  • I dislike it. 14
  • I hate it, and I'm just waiting on it to be over. 8
  • 2024-07-23
  • 263 votes
{'title': 'Trial of Primacy Arc', 'choices': [{'text': "It's great!", 'votes': 63}, {'text': "It's okay, but not my favorite. ", 'votes': 141}, {'text': "I'm indifferent.", 'votes': 37}, {'text': 'I dislike it.', 'votes': 14}, {'text': "I hate it, and I'm just waiting on it to be over.", 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 23, 21, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 263}


So, those who frequent my Discord probably know that I've come up on a bit of an issue with the current book. As far as I'm concerned, it's a good problem to have, but it does force me to make some choices, and soon. So, let me explain.

Basically, we're at about the 40-50% mark with the Trial of Primacy arc as outlined. That means that if I keep going the way I'm going, following the outline, this arc is going to be somewhere around 225-300k words (depending on how elaborate I want to get with the challenges). That is well over the estimate (and my publisher's preferred length of around 175k words).

With that in mind, my two choices are this:

1. I can expand on this arc a bit, incorporating some elements I have planned for later books so that I can reasonably split this arc into two volumes. I know where I would split it (there's a mid-book climax that would work perfectly for that), but it would mean staying in the Trial of Primacy arc for about 20-30 extra chapters, across two books that would end up being 165-185k words each.

2. I can cut down on some of the plot points going forward. That would mean paring down on some of the challenges and probably leaving off alternate POV chapters (back on Earth) that I've planned. Those chapters would still happen, just not in this book, so you wouldn't miss out on any Miggy/Carmen chapters. They'd just happen at a different point.

I think there are benefits and pitfalls of both choices, but I'm fairly certain I can make either of them work. So, I'm a bit torn.

That's why I thought I'd ask you all for a bit of information. I'm not saying my choice comes down to the results of this poll, but I will say that it would be a lot easier to cut some of the fat off the Trial of Primacy if you all aren't enjoying it.

So - here's the question:

What do you all think of the Trial of Primacy?



I'm gonna echo what someone said that, in the end, you should go with your own vision. But, if I have to give my two cents, the problem with this arc is that 9 trials is too many considering how elaborate they are, especially when there are at least two other conflicts brewing on the side during the trial. I'd try to shorten the ones that don't advance the plot back on Earth and focus on the ones that do (ie, stuff that involves those immortals, characters that will be recurring, like Benedict, etc). And I may be in the minority here, but I love to see different POVs every once in a while, and it would be very interesting to see what's happening to those who didn't go to the trial, so definitely don't skimp on those.

Eidetic Eidolon

I'd prefer the arc to be shortened, but I don't want to choose any of the negative options. As some have said, this arc is too swamped with tedious descriptions of combat. Plus these challenges are taking a LOT longer than I feel like they should be. Especially because I can tell that you've got a bunch of in-trial stuff planned other than JUST the challenges. Main Point: Cut the arc's length down or stick with your originally planned length. Please don't make it longer.


I think that's a misunderstanding. I won't lengthen the content around the challenges or anything. If I chose to split it, I'd just move up some side content into this arc (instead of waiting to put it in the next arc). This would be set mostly on Earth.