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I'm sorry this is a day late. I kind of got tied up yesterday, and I completely forgot to do the weekly check-in. That's my bad! But better late than never, I say!

This past week has been pretty huge. I know we have lots of new people around here, so welcome! I hope you enjoy my work and have fun participating in the discussions (here and on Discord). I know I do! As for the week itself, there wasn't a whole lot of big news, except that Path of Dragons has retained the top spot on Royal Road's Popular This Week list, which means that, for the past seven days, more people have read that story than any other story on Royal Road. Which is amazing. We've been in the top 3 for a few weeks now (and even gotten the top spot for a few brief spans), but that was when I was doing 2 chapters a day (which kind of skewed the numbers a bit). The fact that we're down to 1 chapter a day and still maintained the top spot is way beyond my expectations. So, thank you!

That said, let's move on to individual story news:

With Death: Genesis, we're about halfway through the ninth book. I should be finishing the eighth one and sending it down to Podium (my publisher) before the middle of the month. That'll be nice to get that behind me so I can focus on editing books 2, 3, and 4 of Path of Dragons. As far as the current material, we're coming up on the end of the dungeon arc, and then we're going to be dealing with another war. So, that should be fun.

Also, remember that we have Death: Genesis 6 coming to Kindle/Audible on July 7, which is coming up pretty quick! You can find it HERE.

Regarding Path of Dragons, we're around 65% through the fourth book right now. I'm having a blast with the current stuff, and I can't wait for you all to read what I'm working on now. The Seattle arc has been fun (I know it reads kind of like a climax, same as the stuff in Easton/Valoria), and I'm definitely looking forward to what follows.

Nothing really going on with Mistrunner. The series is finished (obviously), and the third book doesn't hit Amazon/Audible until November. I'll be sure to remind everyone when it gets closer so you can remember to get your copy!

Well, that's it for this week. Thank you all for your support. Without it, I wouldn't be able to do what I do. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out. You can contact me here in the comments, on Patreon's direct messaging function, or via Discord. Thanks again!



Loving your work 😁