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I know a bunch of you all are new around here, so welcome to the Patreon. Hopefully, you'll enjoy my work.

So, this week was kind of up and down for me. Path of Dragons got bombed with like 5 bad ratings (all within like 20 minutes of each other, suggesting they came from the same person on different accounts). Maybe they were legitimate, but I've only gotten like a handful of those since the story came out, so the odds of getting 5 all in such a short span of time is kind of suspect. Either way, it annoyed and frustrated me.

On the flip side of that, I'm really happy with the work I got done this week. The response to the stuff posted was pretty good, too. So, that made it easier to just move on from the annoyance.

In specific book news:

Death: Genesis is still going strong. We ran a sale this week on Audible, and book one jumped all the way up to around rank 500 on the whole site. So, that was cool. Since then, there's been a trickle down for the rest of the series. Regarding current content, I'm still plugging away at book 9 while editing book 8. I'm digging the dungeon arc, and I hope you all are as well.

Path of Dragons is why most of you are here, though. The story's coming into the back half of book 4, and I'm loving where it's headed. It's a nice blend of action, emotion, and crafting, which is perfectly in line with my intentions. I just hope I nail the second half of the book! But I'm really excited about the stuff I have planned for book 5, too. So, here's to hoping it'll satisfy everyone when I get to it in June.

That brings me to the final point - with the end of April, we'll be going back to the one chapter a day schedule (with 2 on Wednesdays) for the next few months. I wanted to keep the two-a-days going until the end of this book, but I just don't have the backlog for that. Hopefully, the next time I do an accelerated schedule will be just as successful!

Well, that's it for this week. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to let me know via the comment section on this post, the direct messaging functionality on this site, or in the Discord. As always, thank you for your support, and I hope you continue to enjoy my work!



Thank you for the effort, some people suck though, reminds me that i have yet to rate it on RR ill do so now


Review Bombers fucking suck. I'd bet they didn't even bother to read the story either, they're just fanboys for a different story. Nobody who's not an asshole has five different accounts to do shit like that.


I can't say I don't agree with that. Like I said, there's a chance they were legitimate. Some people don't like parts of this story (the character death, the multiple PoVs, etc.), so it's possible. But five in that short of a span is definitely suspicious (when I'd only gotten like ten total ratings like that since the story came out).