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Whew. Another week in the books, and it was an interesting one. I'm the rigorous schedule I've kept for the past few months is starting to wear on me a bit, so it's good that we're almost to end of the accelerated month (that turned into two months). No matter what anyone tells you, being responsible for 40k+ words a week is daunting when it goes on for as long as it has. I think I've written like 650k words over the past three months, which is an awful lot. So, I'm looking forward to taking a step back to a more reasonable schedule starting in May (and going to August).

That said, I'm super happy with the results so far. I'm excited about the chapters I wrote this past week, and I very much anticipate the ones scheduled to be written this week. So, that's fun.

In Death: Genesis news, I'm just about done with the edit of book eight, and I intend to send that in by the end of the month. I also got the sketch for book 7's cover, which looks pretty cool. So, I hope to get a more detailed version soon. As for the current arc, I'm steadily working toward the end of this dungeon run so we can get back into the outside world and fight some undead (while figuring out what's going on!). So, I'm looking forward to that.

Regarding Path of Dragons, as I said, I'm just about done with all the chapters for this month, which means I'm nearly halfway done with book 4. There's a lot of emotional stuff going on in this chapters, but I'm about to push forward into the second action arc. Then, it's breakneck until the end of the book.

I've also started working on the detailed outline for book 5, so that's fun, too.

In any case, I think everyone will enjoy what's coming in the near future.

As always, thank you for your support. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know via Patreon's messaging function, on Discord, or in the comments below this check-in. Thanks again, and have a wonderful week!



Keep up the good work loved the double chapters that was a crazy amount of writing haha