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We've got another week in the books, and this one came with some really exciting developments. First, thank you all for reviewing Path of Dragons. It's really helped! Obviously, if you haven't gotten around to it yet, head on over to Royal Road and drop a rating/review! Often, people with negative opinions scream the loudest, so I end up having to ask fans of the story to step up and counter that negativity. If you don't want to, don't worry about it, though! Just reading the story is support enough, and I can't thank you all enough.

So, let's get to the individual story news:

Regarding Death: Genesis, I'm really digging this dungeon (and the fights), and I keep finding myself looking forward to writing each day's chapter. In addition, we've got some really fun stuff (including a long-awaited skill threshold!) coming this week. So, you have that to look forward to!

In Mistrunner news, I published the very last chapter of the story to Royal Road today. Finishing a story is a huge deal, and I can't help but get a little emotional about it. So, I hope you all enjoyed it, and I look forward to when everything's on Amazon.

And finally, we get to Path of Dragons (which is the reason most of you are here, I think). We're forging ahead with two-a-day chapters until the end of April. I've got most of it already written, and I'm very much looking forward to when it's all out there for everyone to enjoy. I'm really proud of how the first 35% of book four has been handled, so I'm eager to see reactions. It's juicy stuff in terms of action, drama, and emotional impact. It also leaves a lot of room for development, too. So, exciting stuff.

Once April's finished, we'll drop back down to a normalized posting schedule of a chapter-a-day (with one extra on Wednesdays).

Once again - thank you for all your support. Don't forget to rate/review the story on Royal Road! If you have any questions, comments, or complaints, let me know via Discord, on Patreon's messaging function, or in the comments. I'll try to respond as soon as possible.

Thanks again!



Awesome work always look forward to your posts that I may or may not sneek in reading during work 🤣. Look forward to the next 20 books 🤭🤭🤭