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This was another big week, with a lot going on. So, I'll dive right into it:

Regarding Death: Genesis, I'm happy to say that I should be sending book 8's manuscript off to my publisher in the next couple of weeks. I've been editing lately, and I should finish the book's additional chapter soon-ish. So, that's fun, and I'm excited to get that thing in their hands.

As for the current arc, I'm really enjoying this dungeon run. When I first conceived it, I wasn't sure how it would go, but during outlining, I think I came up with a fun way to tie everything together. So, I'm eager to finish writing it so you all can enjoy it.

Regarding Mistrunner, I just sent the final book's manuscript to the publisher about three hours ago, and the final chapters will be posting on Royal Road next weekend. After that, I'm done with Mistrunner for the time being. Mixed feelings and all that. Happy to be done with it, sad to see it end. The final two books will release at the end of this year on both Kindle and Audible.

In Path of Dragons news, I'm good and into the first mini-arc with book 4, and I'm really having a blast writing it. It's heavy stuff, but it's also necessary. Now, though, I'm about to get into the action, and I'm very eager to get what I have outlined down on the page. I think you'll all enjoy it, too.

I know I'm beating a dead horse with this, but I'm going to ask you all again - if you haven't reviewed Path of Dragons on Royal Road yet, please head over there to do so. The book got bombarded by a few bad reviews (I won't say they're illegitimate, but they did come directly after someone sent me a fairly nasty DM about Alyssa/Carmen). So, if any of you can help counter that, it would be really helpful.

If not, that's cool, too!

Either way, that's it for right now. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to let me know via the direct messaging function on Patreon, in these comments, or in Discord. I'll do my best to respond promptly!

Thanks for all your support!



1.5 hours till find out about thor battle end I hope lol unless it goes longer. Also already reviewed 🤭