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So, I kind of made a mistake. I'll go ahead and get that out of the way first, then we'll get into the week's goings on. I scheduled today's chapters weeks ago, and as a result, I added the little note at the beginning of the second chapter a while back. However, as I announced on my Discord yesterday, I've decided not to end the two-a-day chapters just yet. Instead, I'm going to keep them going for at least another two weeks. I fully intend to make that last until the end of the month, but we'll have to see how my productivity goes. I'll slow down eventually, but I'm still riding a wave of momentum right now. So, the takeaway is that we'll definitely have these two-a-day chapters until April 14, but I'm still on the fence about extending it to the end of April.

In addition, you're all still going to get that extra chapter I promised. So, Wednesdays will get three chapters during that time, and when I drop back to the regular schedule, it'll be two chapters on Wednesdays.

So - I'm sorry about the miscommunication. I hate admin stuff (I think every author does), and it just kind of slipped my mind that I'd even included that note.

On to other news!

Regarding Path of Dragons, this week was really fun, and we're racing toward the end of book three. It won't end for another week and a half, but I'm really happy with how things turned out. I'm also just about done with the detailed outline of book four, so I'll be forging ahead with that this coming week. It's going to have some big moments, and I'm really eager about how those lead to even bigger conflicts. So, stick around and see what's happening!

In Death: Genesis news, book five's sales are still going strong, and the reviews have normalized a bit. Initially, I was a bit worried because some of the reviews pointed out that it didn't feel like quite as complete of a narrative as the others. That's because what are now books five and six were originally one volume (that was way too big for one book). So, I had to split them, which means that book five has a lot of set up and only a minor payoff. However, book six will definitely fix that. That one will be available in July. Here's the cover in case anyone didn't see it yet:

Anyway, the stuff I'm working on right now (which is book nine) is just starting to heat up. I also intend to button up the alternate perspectives for book eight, soon. Then, that'll be off to the publisher.

And regarding Mistrunner - well, the story's done now, but it still hasn't finished on Royal Road. So, if you haven't had a chance to rate it yet, please head over to its listing and give it some love. I'd like to see it climb the Best-Rated list and get a bit more visibility, because I think it's a fantastic story that I'm incredibly proud to have written.

Book three is going to be coming out November 5, while the final book is coming out on December 24.

Alright - so that's everything right now. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, let me know via Patreon's messaging system, in these comments, or in Discord. Again, sorry about the mix-up earlier!



Do you ever sleep? Damn that's alot of writing 🤣


I love reading news like this in the morning ! Keep up the good work author-san ☺️