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Well - another week's gone, and there's been a ton of growth around here. So, there are lots of newcomers around. Welcome to all of you, and thank you for your support!

First of all, we finished Mistrunner yesterday, which was a huge achievement for me. I'm a bit sad about it, but I'm also relieved. Excited, too. So, there's a lot of different emotions going on. Regardless, I hope you all enjoyed it.

Regarding Path of Dragons, I've only got about 5 more chapters to write in the third book, and I think you're all going to love it. Also, I should mention that the fourth book's probably going to have way less perspective shifts than the previous three, and the reasons why will become clear once you read these chapters. Either way, those of you who so vocally hate POV shifts will probably be happy with that!

Or not. Either way, that's the way the story's going right now.

In Death: Genesis news, the new release (book 5) has been doing pretty well. It peaked at around 700 across Amazon, so that was a good release. So far, the ratings have been pretty good as well, though there are probably some valid complaints that stem from it being a split book rather than a self-contained story with an actual ending. Either way, people seem to be enjoying it for the most part.

As far as the current Death: Genesis chapters, we're about to get into some fun stuff in El'kireth, so I hope you'll all dig reading it as much as I did writing it.

Regarding the reviews I requested last week - we've gotten 7 so far, so we need 8 more before I can commit to adding an extra chapter to the schedule. So, if you haven't done one yet, it's a great time to do it! Get that extra chapter!

Anyway - that's what's going on right now. As always, thank you all for your support, and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know via the comments here, on Discord, or via Patreon's messaging function. Thanks again, and I hope you all enjoy this week's chapters!


Shaq Fu

Thank god, and thank u for less povs. Its not bad at an 80/20 ratio i can deal with that just skip that chapter and all is good 😂🤦‍♂️, but at 30/70 ratio is a bit too much. I love the story only down side is the constant pov.

evan maples

I enjoyed the extra chapters because it fleshed out the whole abby and the brainwashing/cult stuff and how she is probably going to be sent to assassinate zeke depending on how many years or decades their in the eternal realm and the chapters with talia trying to come to terms with the aftermath in the mortal realm was also nice